Need some help crafting your CV? 

Want an experienced eye to help you improve your LinkedIn profile? 

Need a handcrafting that cover letter?


I've worked with thousands of students and executives over the past 15 years helping them prepare for and land jobs in many of the world's largest companies.  I've had a LinkedIn All-Star profile for years and can help you craft your own online brand to stand out from the crowd and get more interest from recruiters and hiring managers.

Reviewing your CV, LinkedIn profile and other ways of presenting yourself to potential employers are critical elements in preparing for and landing that role of your dreams.

Book a consultation with me and we can go through your situation in a confidential, supportive session which will pinpoint where you can make changes to improve your chances of getting noticed and hired.

How it works

A one to one online consultation via Skype or whatever your preferred online conferencing platform is, costs 100 euro per hour.  Simply book a session via the PayPal link below, and then I'll contact you for an initial chat ahead of our session and to fix up a time for the main session.  I'll normally ask you to send me your current CV, LinkedIn profile address and cover letter if applicable, so I can review these ahead of time and make our online time as productive for you as possible.

You'll also get access to my online video courses which offer tips and tricks for CV and LinkedIn profile building, which you will be able to watch any time.

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